

In the Individual PKPD task you will simulate a real-life-situation of how to evaluate PK and PD data in an interactive model.

It is necessary to have knowledge in both pharmacokinetics (PK) and pharmacodynamics (PD) to be able to understand the theory, calculate different parameters and set up dose regimens, independent of if your focus is in the “drug development” or “drug usage” area.

After you have registered your account you will get access to the model. All students have unique compunds, but you will all be working in the same way to evaluate these. Limited instructions will be available. However, there is a pedagogic benefit in using your curiosity in addition to course material and literature to define and solve the problems. You will get access to the next task when you have calculated and inserted the required parameters and written a personal reflection of what you have learnt in each part. You can always go back to earlier parts if you would like to.

In the end you will suggest a dose regimen for both normal patients as well as for groups showing different pharmacokinetics.

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