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MÄndagen 12 december kl. 08.30 kommer Medfarm Play vara otillgÀngligt en kortare stund p.g.a. systemunderhÄll.

Hans Rausing Lecture 2009 - Professor Evelyn Fox Keller, MIT, Boston

For all Darwin?s indisputable achievements, he left a sizable problem for future generations to solve, namely the question of how the first ?primordial form, into which life was first breathed? originally came into existence. The physicist and professor (emeritus) of history and philosophy of science at MIT, Evelyn Fox Keller, considers this problem from the perspectives of molecular self-assembly and explores conceptual possibilities, from current perspectives, of accounting for the increase of organized complexity that made the primordial cell possible. Self-Organisation, Self-Assembly and the Inherent Activity of Matter

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H. Otto Sibum, Institutionen för idé- och lÀrdomshistoria

6 december 2012



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