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Carole Pateman winner of the Johan Skytte Prize 2012

Lördag 29 september 2012, universitetshuset, Uppsala universitet.
Johan Skytte - prisläsning, med 2012 års mottagare av Skytteanska priset i statskunskap Carole Pateman; ?Questions, Evidence and Political Theory

The Johan Skytte Prize In Political Science
The Skytte Foundation at Uppsala University has established an annual prize, The Johan Skytte Prize in Political Science, to the scholar who in the view of the Foundation has made the most valuable contribution to political science. Research in all areas of the discipline will be considered: political theory, comparative politics, public administration and international relations. The prize consists of a medal and a considerable cash award.

After international nominations each year (deadline January 10) the candidates are evaluated by a prize committee. The decision is then made around April 1st by the Board of the Foundation (Nils-Axel Mörner patron and chairman, Li Bennich-Björkman vice chair, Jonas Mörner secretary, Anders Barth treasurer, Jacob Lagercrantz and Anders Hallberg).

Johan Skytte (1577-1645) was a leading politician in 17th century Swedish political life: a scholar, skilled in latin and a master of eloquence, the prince's teacher, member of the government, governor, diplomat and a great land owner.

The Chair, established to provide for the education of higher civil servants, was his gift as University Chancellor to Uppsala University. The Johan Skytte chair in Eloquence and Government was founded in 1622 and is today one of the oldest professorships in the world. The farms that were part of the initial donation still help to finance research, including the Prize.

Skytteanum & the Department of Government
The Johan Skytte house in Uppsala, the originally medieval building called the Skytteanum, is still used by the Department of Government and the professor skytteanus has his/her residence in the building. Li Bennich-Björkman is the 21st Professor Skytteanus.

The Department of Government offers BA, MA, and PhD degrees in political science and development studies. It has about 1000 undergraduate students, 40 PhD-candidates, 15 professors and an additional staff of 25 persons. Four to five PhD theses are presented every year. The Department is mainly research oriented: two thirds of the budget covers research, one third education.

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Boel Kiregård, Statsvetenskapliga institutionen

29 september 2012



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