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Har du frÄgor rörande en specifik film ska du kontakta filmens "Kontaktperson".

MÄndagen 12 december kl. 08.30 kommer Medfarm Play vara otillgÀngligt en kortare stund p.g.a. systemunderhÄll.

Bottom up environmental cooperation - a driver for political integration?

Decision makers wait for consensus in COP 23 before taking necessary action on climate change. Yet, the local transition has already started. How can decision makers commit and support international cooperation and local initiatives in order to build sustainability and political integration today?

In a changing environmental and political atmosphere, bottom-up P2P contacts are increasingly important as drivers of change. European and international strategies for sustainability and political integration will not be as effective if not supported and embraced by the local communities. Urban gardens, farmer?s markets, soup kitchens and cycle rallies are nothing but a playground for a few idealists if not supported and embraced by the decision makers. Can top down and bottom up be bridged? How can ambitious policy and local action reinforce each other to create momentum for a sustainable transition? How does the current political situation in Europe affect the networks of communities working to solve the common environmental challenges? In this situation, how do we intensify our efforts to create trans-boundary cooperation? Who are the key stakeholders to work with? Can environmental cooperation build integration?

Titta först pÄ filmen och testa sedan dina kunskaper med detta sjÀlvrÀttande test.

AnvÀnd koden nedan för att visa denna film pÄ en annan webbsida, till exempel Studentportalen.

Simon Ydhag, MedfarmDoIT

2 juli 2014



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