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MÄndagen 12 december kl. 08.30 kommer Medfarm Play vara otillgÀngligt en kortare stund p.g.a. systemunderhÄll.

Denna video Àr nu sparad.

Alumni Talks 2017 - A closer look at the United Nations

In the 2017 Alumni Talks we welcome two alumni with great experience and insight into the United Nations - from different perspectives.

Louise Olsson ? The United Nations: Evidenced-based decision-making on Women, Peace and Security?

Dr. Louise Olsson (Ph.D. at the Department in 2007) is a researcher at the DPCR and the Senior Advisor on Women, Peace and Security at the Folke Bernadotte Academy (FBA). This means that she constantly moves between research and practice. Among her many tasks, she has reviewed how the field operations of NATO, the UN and the EU handle women?s and men?s security and participation. Olsson has also developed a Research Working Group on Women, Peace and Security, to strengthen systematic knowledge development, and a Gender Coach Program, both for the Swedish Ministry of Foreign Affairs and for government agencies such as the FBA and the Swedish Armed Forces, which is a training program for senior management.

Henrik Hammargren - The United Nations from within

Henrik Hammargren (Master at the Department in 2004) Executive Director for the Dag Hammarskjöld Foundation, has spent twenty years in managerial and policy analyst roles, advising bi- and multilateral development co-operation, serving the Swedish government and with the OECD. Areas of focus have included humanitarian aid, conflict management and peacebuilding, and support to democracy and human rights. Hammargren also has several years of in-country experience from conflict and post-conflict regions.

Moderator ? Peter Wallensteen, Senior Professor of Peace and Conflict Research since 2012, Holder of the Dag Hammarskjöld Chair 1985-2012, Head of Department 1972-1999, leader of the Uppsala Conflict Data Program until 2015 and the author of books, book chapters and articles in topis also relating to the UN, the UN Security Council ,peacebuilding and negotiations, notably Quality Peace (2015) and Fredens Diplomater (with Isak Svensson 2016).

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Christofer HÀgg, Institutionen för freds- och konfliktforskning

26 april 2017



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