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MÄndagen 12 december kl. 08.30 kommer Medfarm Play vara otillgÀngligt en kortare stund p.g.a. systemunderhÄll.

Celsius-Linnaeus Lecture 2018: Using experimental and computational approaches to decipher cellular identity and regulation

Aviv Regev, Core Member of the Broad Institute, Professor of Biology (MIT, USA), HHMI Investigator

The Regev Lab uses techniques such as single-cell genomics, with a particular focus on single cell RNA-sequencing, to dissect the molecular networks that regulate genes, define cells and tissues, and influence health and disease. The internal environment of the cell undergoes a wide range of regulatory changes on many timescales: Transcriptional modifications occur within hours when cells respond to changing growth conditions, cells differentiate over hours to days, and species evolve over millions of years. We have developed an extensive experimental and computational toolbox to understand these changes and their implications for biology and disease. We apply the tools in a range of cells, with a recent focus on mammalian cells, the immune system, and cancer.

I am also co-chair of the international Human Cell Atlas consortium ? a global effort to build a collection of reference maps to describe every cell type in the human body. Cells take exceedingly diverse forms with respect to shape, location, function, neighboring relationships, and internal environments. The HCA aims to be a systematic and comprehensive classification of cells based on these characteristics.

Aviv Regev, Ph.D. is Chair of the Faculty and a Core Member at the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard, where she directs the Cell Circuits Program; professor of Biology at Massachusetts Institute of Technology; and an HHMI Investigator. She received her M.Sc. from Tel Aviv University, studying biology, computer science, and mathematics, and went on to receive her Ph.D. in computational biology from Tel Aviv University. She is a recipient of the NIH Director?s Pioneer Award, a Sloan fellowship from the Sloan Foundation, the Eleanor and Miles Shore Fellowship for Scholars in Medicine, the Overton Prize and Innovator Award from the International Society for Computational Biology (ISCB), and the Earl and Thressa Stadtman Scholar Award from the American Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology.

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Karin Thellenberg, Enheten för kommunikation och skolsamverkan

9 februari 2018



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