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Gastric by-pass - Impact of surgery on glucagon and cortisol response in a non-diabetic population




Insulin resistance is a hallmark of type 2 diabetes and it is commonly thought to be the connection between type 2 diabetes and obesity; as adiposity builds up insulin resistance increases as well. Insulin resistance is usually discussed in relation to insulin response of glucose utilisation of muscles and liver, however, lately also glucagon and cortisol response has been linked to insulin resistance. There are even hypotheses where these insulin-antagonistic hormones are suggested a part of the explanation for why some people develop type 2 diabetes.
Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass (RYGB) is a surgical treatment of severe obesity, and thus a prevention of diabetes, where parts of the stomach and the small intestine is by-passed in a surgical procedure, decreasing the size of the stomach considerably. This procedure results in weight reduction as the patients eat smaller portions and thus have an overall smaller energy intake. However, additional unexpected responses of hormones have been observed within timeframes post-surgery where weight loss is limited and thus these changes cannot not be explained by smaller portions or weight-loss.
In this project, we will characterise differences in release of glucagon and cortisol, through ACTH, before and after RYGB. This will be done through modelling of already conducted clinical experiments and part of the project includes describing the change in release in relation to changes in insulin resistance and glycemic control to increase our understanding of how to prevent diabetes development.
The project is conducted in close collaboration with a research group at Akademiska Hospital, where the patients have been treated. The project is a computer-based project and thus students who apply for the project should have an interest in and be willing to learn statistics, programming and/or modelling.

The work will be carried out in Uppsala, however in a research group, that offers an international environment. The working language will be English. The supervision is in English or Swedish depending on the student's preference.

Does this project sounds like something for you? Apply here or contact Maria Kjellsson ( if you have additional questions. We look forward to your application!


Farmaceutisk vetenskap






Uppsala University



Handledarens namn

Maria Kjellsson

Handledarens e-post


Institutionen för farmaci


Masterprogram i läkemedelsmodellering


Degree Project in Pharmaceutical Modeling within Pharmacometrics 45 c - 3FB029



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