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MÄndagen 12 december kl. 08.30 kommer Medfarm Play vara otillgÀngligt en kortare stund p.g.a. systemunderhÄll.

Learning to live with a lively planet: The renewal of the university?s mission in the era of climate change

A lecture by Zennström Chair of Climate Change Leadership at Uppsala University, Dr Keri Facer. This lecture will reflect on the history, present reality and possible future of the western research university. It will argue that a key task of the university this century will be to enable a profound civilisational shift to living with a planet that is newly alive to us. The talk will explore how traditional universities and emerging ecoversities are taking up this challenge and make the case for the most radical reinvention of the university since the enlightenment.

For best viewing of this livestream we recommend that you use google chrome or mozilla firefox as your web browser.

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Susanna Barrineau, Enheten för universitetspedagogik

15 oktober 2019



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