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Måndagen 12 december kl. 08.30 kommer Medfarm Play vara otillgängligt en kortare stund p.g.a. systemunderhåll.

Sustainable Energy Futures

Det finns 3 filmer i denna kanal

When the climate apocalypse comes I ll make it: 16 year old Hampus Andersson?s survival month living off the lands and waters in the forests of Norrbotten, Sweden.

When the climate apocalypse comes I ll make it: 16 year old Hampus Andersson?s survival month living off the lands and waters in the forests of Norrbotten, Sweden.

There is a lot of talk of crisis and apocalypse, due to war, to climate change. Young people worried about their future go on school strike and manifest, around the world. But, when the climate or any other crisis happens, how are these young (and adult) protesters prepared to fend for themselves? How long can you survive without electricity and water in the tap, with access to food in the supermarket? Thinking about all of this, 16 year old Hampus Andersson decided to try to live off the lands and waters for a full month, on his own. If there is such a crisis, would he make it on his own? From mid July to mid August 2019, the experiment went on. He made sure to learn from more experienced and older reindeer herders and others with experience from the forests. Hampus is not completely unaware on how to get access to food in the forest. His father is a Sámi reindeer herder, and his mother?s family are an agriculture family. But until this day he had never done such an experiment. How would he find food, water, shelter? What would be the hardest? Some things that he had never even thought about turned out to be harder than expected.
During the stay Hampus documented his everyday life with photos and short films, and posted on his Facebook page and Instagram. This is a film made from those photos and videos, along with an interview by film maker Petri Storlöpare, Slowfilm AB. Hampus speaks of his experiences, thoughts and ideas on how to continue this experiment. Will he try the same in the Arctic winter, with temperatures down to minus 40 Celsius?
The film project was supported by FORMAS future research leaders project Safe and sustainable energy futures in Sapmi FORMAS Dnr 2016-01039; Dalkke: Indigenous Climate Change Studies, FORMAS Dnr 2017-01923, and Living without oil?! Rethinking relations with lands and waters with Indigenous Land Based Expertise for a transition towards a fossil free welfare society, FORMAS Dnr 2019-01975, within the Swedish National research programme on climate, led by Associate professor, May-Britt Ohman, Uppsala University.

Hampus Andersson
May-Britt Öhman

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Kontaktperson för denna film
May-Britt Öhman, Centrum för mångvetenskaplig forskning om rasism (CFR)

31 mars 2022



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Films produced within the research projects FORMAS future research leaders project Safe and sustainable energy futures in Sápmi FORMAS Dnr 2016-01039; Dálkke: Indigenous Climate Change Studies, FORMAS Dnr 2017-01923, and Living without oil?! Rethinking relations with lands and waters with Indigenous Land Based Expertise for a transition towards a fossil free welfare society, FORMAS Dnr 2019-01975, within the Swedish National research programme on climate, led by Associate professor, May-Britt Öhman, Uppsala University.

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