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Darwin Symposium – Symposium to commemorate Charles Darwins 200th anniversary

Darwin Symposium
Upphovsman: Ulf Pettersson and Dan Larhammar
Kontaktperson: Elisabeth Sandberg
Beskrivning: A symposium with a number of prominent international speakers will take place between October 26 and 27 in Uppsala. The symposium is organized in a collaboration between the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences and Uppsala University. The speakers will cover a wide range of topics and perspectives, ranging from history and philosophy to the evolution of H.sapiens. The venue will be lecture hall The Svedbergsalen (B8) at the Biomedical Center of Uppsala. The symposium will start in the morning of October 26 and end in the late afternoon of October 27
Nyckelord: darwin, Kommunikationsenheten
Datum: 27 oktober 2009
Öppen / låst: Öppen
Undervisningsform: Föreläsning
Teknik: Klassrum
Darwin Symposium
Darwin Symposium

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