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Måndagen 12 december kl. 08.30 kommer Medfarm Play vara otillgängligt en kortare stund p.g.a. systemunderhåll.

TK talks

Kontaktperson: Andreas Solders
Det finns 8 filmer i denna kanal

Jupyter notebooks in education

Jupyter Notebooks are documents which combine text, equations, figures and live code. Jupyter notebooks have a clear value in education, since teachers can develop a textbook in which students can interact with the content, for example by changing parameters in equations or plotting real data. In a recent effort, we have started to implement Jupyter notebooks in our teaching of introductory nuclear reactor physics (neutron slowing down, reactor kinetics and neutron diffusion theory). We have designed several home assignments in the form of notebooks, which present subjects complementing the lectures and which introduce a task to the students to solve. We also distribute the material of the tutorial calculations in the form of notebooks and include some notebook-based interactive figures in the lectures. At the conference we will present our experience in working with Jupyter Notebooks as a pedagogical tool. We would like to share our first experiences, and collect possible ideas for further notebooks.

Jupiter notebook can be tested at:

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Kontaktperson för denna film
Andreas Solders, Passagerättigheter lärare (fysik)

25 mars 2020



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