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Måndagen 12 december kl. 08.30 kommer Medfarm Play vara otillgängligt en kortare stund p.g.a. systemunderhåll.

Session 3: Legal Issues and International Cooperation, part 1

Sumbul Rizvi, Head of Unit on Asylum and Migration at the Division of International Protection, UNHCR
"The impact of human trafficking on refugees and stateless persons"

Vineta Polatside, Senior Adviser and Head of Unit Task Force against Trafficking in Human Beings, Council of the Baltic Sea States (CBSS)
"Human trafficking in the 21st century, current and future trends"

Dominika Borg Jansson, Doctor of Criminal Law, UCRS, Uppsala University
"Trafficking from a holistic perspective"

Titta först på filmen och testa sedan dina kunskaper med detta självrättande test.

Använd koden nedan för att visa denna film på en annan webbsida, till exempel Studentportalen.

Kontaktperson för denna film
Jevgenija Gehsbarga, Institutet för Rysslands- och Eurasienstudier

27 april 2016



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Human trafficking is one of the gravest human rights violations of our time. It affects millions of individuals worldwide, including children. In order to battle this crime we need a better understanding of it which requires the efforts of multiple actors. On April 12 and 13 the Disciplinary Domain of Humanities and Social Sciences in cooperation with the UCRS arranges an international conference entitled “Human Trafficking in the 21st Century”. The aim of the conference is to bring together top researchers, practitioners and opinion makers, including her Majesty Queen Silvia, in the field for discussions on current understanding of and best practices and challenges in the fight against human trafficking. The conference is open to the public and is free of charge. The conference will be held in English.

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