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Måndagen 12 december kl. 08.30 kommer Medfarm Play vara otillgängligt en kortare stund p.g.a. systemunderhåll.

womENcourage 2015, Out of the Ordinary Jobs After a CS Degree Panel Discussion

Moderator: Dr. Jessica Cauchard, Postdoctoral Research Fellow at Stanford University in the field of Human-Computer Interaction.

Panelists: Dr. Anke Brock is a Research Scientist in Human-Computer Interaction at Inria Bordeaux, France; Monika Podsiadlo, Technical Program Manager on the Text-To-Speech team at Google London; Dr. Mario Romero, Associate Professor in Human-Computer Interaction in the Department of High-Performance Computing and Visualization (HPCViz) at KTH.

This panel is designed to inspire womENcourage attendees by showing them the broad range of career options that they have with a computer science (CS) degree. We expect to broaden the attendees? horizons when thinking about future jobs by having a panel composed of successful and inspiring panelists, who have either chosen an unusual career path or who have found a very interesting field to focus on. The panelists will be coming both from academia and industry to bring different perspectives to the panel. Students often think that a degree in computer science opens the door to programming and other IT jobs, but rarely know about the whole range of options that is available to them. We expect that this panel will inspire students and other attendees to seek their own path in the career, keeping in mind the exciting opportunities that exist and that they can work toward.

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Kontaktperson för denna film
Ida-Maria Sintorn, Visuell information och interaktion

2 oktober 2015



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The ACM-W Europe womENcourage Celebration of Women in Computing is a scientific event, and also an event aimed at networking and exploring career opportunities for women in computer science and related disciplines. This conference brings together undergraduate, Masters, and PhD students, as well as researchers and professionals, to present and share their achievements and experience in computer science. The program includes technical presentations and also discussions related to career issues in academic and industrial research.

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