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Måndagen 12 december kl. 08.30 kommer Medfarm Play vara otillgängligt en kortare stund p.g.a. systemunderhåll.

womENcourage 2015 Keynote: Towards Expressive 3D Modeling: An example of career in Computer Graphics by Professor Marie-Paule Cani

Marie-Paule Cani, Professor of Computer Science, Grenoble University

Despite our great expressive skills, we humans lack an easy way of conveying the 3D shapes we imagine, even more so for dynamic shapes that change over time. Over centuries we relied on drawing and sculpture to convey shapes. However, these tools require significant expertise and time investment, especially when one aims to describe complex or dynamic shapes. With the advent of virtual environments one would expect digital modeling to replace these traditional tools. Unfortunately, conventional techniques in the area have failed, since even trained computer artists still create with traditional media and only use the computer to reproduce already designed content.

Could digital media be turned into a tool, even more expressive and simpler to use than a pen, to convey and refine both static and dynamic 3D shapes? This would make shape design directly possible in virtual form, from early drafting to progressive refinement and finalization of an idea. To this end, models for shape and motion need to be redefined from a user-centered perspective. This talk will present our recent work towards ?responsive shapes?, namely high level models that take form, refine, move and deform based on user intent, expressed through intuitive interaction gestures.

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Kontaktperson för denna film
Ida-Maria Sintorn, Visuell information och interaktion

2 oktober 2015



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The ACM-W Europe womENcourage Celebration of Women in Computing is a scientific event, and also an event aimed at networking and exploring career opportunities for women in computer science and related disciplines. This conference brings together undergraduate, Masters, and PhD students, as well as researchers and professionals, to present and share their achievements and experience in computer science. The program includes technical presentations and also discussions related to career issues in academic and industrial research.

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