Opening seminar of International Day, a one day event showcasing international cooperation among countries in the Baltic Sea Region to save the Baltic Sea while ensuring prosperous economies and promoting sustainable development in the region.
The intergovernmental organization Council of the Baltic Sea States, CBSS under its incoming Estonian Presidency arranges the event ?International Day?. It will raise awareness on the environmental status of the Baltic Sea as well as discussing other questions relevant for transnational cooperation in the Baltic Sea region. Many of the challenges related to sustainability worldwide are also prevalent in the Baltic Sea Region, including eutrophication, littering, climate change and unsustainable use of natural resources and energy. Meeting these challenges we cannot do alone: The EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region provides a supportive framework to foster cooperation among all countries in the Baltic Sea Region to save our common sea and build resilient societies of the future. In this respect this seminar will highlight some of the main policy actions at present and discuss the added value of cross-border cooperation.
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