The Baltic Sea is our common resource and therefore we have to protect it and use it responsibly. The session will discuss the overall environmental status of the Baltic Sea and overall measures like marine spatial planning in order to form a base for sustainable blue growth.
The session will highlight the environmental status of the Baltic Sea and discuss specific challenges like ghost nets and hazardous substances. Furthermore, the seminar will highlight action on joint transnational maritime spatial planning. The main aim of the seminar is to create awareness among the Swedish audience, politicians and the international representatives about the Swedish MSP process, the Swedish status report and highlight the great need for transboundary perspective and the need for broad sector integration as well as horizontal and vertical governess collaboration. Sweden has to adhere to and relate to all the Baltic States in the MSP work. To make the ecosystem approached valuable for MSP in Baltic we need to have a common perspective not only on the environment but also about the potential development and how that can be achieved in a sustainable way.
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