The use of the term sustainability calls us not to take more from nature than we can give back. Now more than ever we have to develop just solutions to make economic life more socially just and environmentally responsible and less destructive to nature and the commons that sustain us.
The business implications of sustainability merit great scrutiny. So how are sustainable business models created? How to invest in nature to sustain future economies and ensure resilient societies and how can the private sector be part of this equation? Together with public and private actors from different countries in the Baltic Sea Region we will discuss good solutions on how to create a vision for a more sustainable society. We will showcase how - to raise awareness, engage and create competence in sustainable development among all kinds of actors - how regions and municipalities can take an active and long-term approach in applying sustainable development in the strategic planning and development of its society. And we will illustrate the potential of modern sales and production companies to be viable and profitable and at the same time to care for people and the environment.
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