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Måndagen 12 december kl. 08.30 kommer Medfarm Play vara otillgängligt en kortare stund p.g.a. systemunderhåll.

CAPTURE Talk #3 Dr. Kathleen Gregory: Disciplining data

Disciplinary domains frame data work and our understanding and support of research data practices. Not only do disciplinary norms shape researchers? practices of data creation, sharing and reuse, but other actors - repositories, system developers, research evaluators, and researchers of science and scholarly communication - rely on disciplinary classifications to develop tools and services and to make decisions.

In this exploratory talk, I discuss some of the thorny issues which arise when disciplining data, both in terms of determining the disciplines of data and in taming data to fit into existing classification systems and approaches. I look at the ways in which data are disciplined from three different perspectives at varying distances from data, that of researchers, repositories and scholarly communication scholars and infrastructure developers. I consider what disciplinary classifications for data represent and what might be gained and lost in the process of disciplining data.

Kathleen Gregory is a postdoctoral research fellow at the Scholarly Communications Lab at the University of Ottawa, Canada. Kathleen holds a MSc in Library and Information Science (Drexel University) and a PhD in Science & Technology Studies from Maastricht University. Her research focuses on scholarly communication and data practices, in particular on how people manage, communicate, understand and use research data in academia and public life.

The recording is available with captions on YouTube.

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Kontaktperson för denna film
Isto Huvila, Institutionen för ABM

6 oktober 2021



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CAPTURE research project investigates what information about the creation and use of research data that is paradata) is needed and how to capture enough of that information to make the data reusable in the future. The wickedness of the problem lies in the practical impossibility to document and keep everything and the difficulty to determine how to capture just enough. The empirical focus of CAPTURE is archaeological and cultural heritage data, which stands out by its extreme heterogeneity and rapid accumulation due to the scale of ongoing development-led archaeological fieldwork. Within and beyond this specific context, CAPTURE develops an in-depth understanding of how paradata is being created and used today, elicits methods for capturing paradata, tests new methods in field trials, and synthesises the findings in a reference model to inform the capturing of paradata and enabling data-intensive research using heterogeneous research data stemming from diverse origins. This project has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme grant agreement No 818210.

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