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Måndagen 12 december kl. 08.30 kommer Medfarm Play vara otillgängligt en kortare stund p.g.a. systemunderhåll.

CAPTURE Talk #5 Isabel Eiser: D-WISE: With Manual and Digital Approaches towards a Tool Suite for Discourse Analysis

How can DH methods be meaningfully integrated into qualitative discourse analysis knowledge production? How can existing methods be adopted and new methods be developed for this purpose?

An integral part of the D-WISE project and to approach these questions is the epistemological reflection and further development of hermeneutical methodology in the use of (semi)automated processes. Bridging the gap between structural patterns detected with digital methods and interpretative processes of human meaning making is at the core of the collaborative approach of anthropological studies and computer linguistics in the D-WISE project. The project innovates both informatics AI-technology of context-oriented embedding representations and hermeneutic methodologies for discourse analysis to the Sociology of Knowledge Approach to Discourse. Exploring the combination of manual and digital approaches to discourse analysis the D-WISE team aims to develop a prototypical web-based working environment (the D-WISE Tool Suite) for digital qualitative discourse analysis on basis of already successfully used DH methods and the parallel processing by researchers from Humanities and Informatics.


The BMBF-funded joint research project D-WISE research project is a collaborative and interdisciplinary project between a team of researchers of the Humanities, represented by the Institute of Anthropological Studies in Culture and History, and a team of researchers of Information Technologies, represented by the Language Technology Group at the Department of Informatics, both at University Hamburg.

Isabel Eiser

On behalf of the D-WISE project team Isabel Eiser will present an overview of the project. She is a research fellow in the D-WISE project at the Institute of Anthropological Studies in Culture and History at University Hamburg and PhD candidate at the research center ?Hamburg?s (post-)colonial legacy? in Global History at University Hamburg. Her PhD thesis is titled ?Becoming an Emblem. From Colonial Propaganda to Decolonial Movement. A Discourse Analysis on the ?Benin Bronzes?? and is planned to be finalized in 2023.

A version with closed captions can be found in Youtube at

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Kontaktperson för denna film
Isto Huvila, Institutionen för ABM

2 januari 2025



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CAPTURE research project investigates what information about the creation and use of research data that is paradata) is needed and how to capture enough of that information to make the data reusable in the future. The wickedness of the problem lies in the practical impossibility to document and keep everything and the difficulty to determine how to capture just enough. The empirical focus of CAPTURE is archaeological and cultural heritage data, which stands out by its extreme heterogeneity and rapid accumulation due to the scale of ongoing development-led archaeological fieldwork. Within and beyond this specific context, CAPTURE develops an in-depth understanding of how paradata is being created and used today, elicits methods for capturing paradata, tests new methods in field trials, and synthesises the findings in a reference model to inform the capturing of paradata and enabling data-intensive research using heterogeneous research data stemming from diverse origins. This project has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme grant agreement No 818210.

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